The supply of early onions from this year’s crop from Uzbekistan helped to slightly reduce record prices for onions. This was reported by Info-Shuvar analysts, relying on data from their own monitoring.
The latest price update of the wholesale market of the Shuvar ORSP in Lviv for today has shown a reduction in the cost of onions by 15-20%. So, imported onions from the harvest of this year are sold at a price of 20-25 UAH / kg, and a foreign vegetable of the harvest of last year costs 21-23 UAH / kg.
Professional traders at the Shuvar ORSP market say that early bow is a moody commodity that you need to be able to work with. It is not stored for long, it is impossible to keep it. Young onions do not tolerate logistics and lose 10% of their weight during transportation, after which they quickly deteriorate. Therefore, such a product must be sold within a week.In addition to onions from Uzbekistan, large batches of product from Egypt began to enter the Ukrainian market. The Egyptian onion costs about the same as the Uzbek, but at the same time it is of better quality. And already in early May, market operators are waiting for the arrival of young onions from the 2019 harvest from Tajikistan.
Earlier it was reported that the current price of onions in Ukraine was the highest in the entire history of the country's independence.