The Union of Organic Certified Organic Food Manufacturers “Organic Ukraine”, on behalf of the entities producing organic products in Ukraine, addressed Vladimir Groysman in writing with proposals for further support for the development of this industry.
The main types of organic products that are produced and consumed in Ukraine are vegetables, fruits, berries, crops, meat, dairy products, cereals and bakery products. The range of organic products contains more than 100 items of local production.
It is noteworthy that the growth in the production of organic products in Ukraine is 5.5 times higher than that of European countries and 5 times higher than the global indicator.Incentive measures for the development of organic production are targeted support for organic agriculture and the production of organic food products.
International certification regarding compliance with the organic standard is the obligation to fulfill all the necessary requirements of economic activity and voluntary consent to take on additional organic responsibilities associated with production, which determine the high cost of organic products.The price premium for organic production compensates organic farmers for higher production costs and lower yields.