Ukrainian farmers began harvesting rapeseed in the second half of June. and is 1.21 t / ha.
According to UkrAgroConsult experts, this year the rape crop may be a record.
At the moment, the sowing campaign has already been completed in the country. As of June 14th:
- an area of 5759.1 thousand ha was sown with sunflower, which is 45 thousand ha or 3% more than the forecast - 5714.1 thousand ha;
- soybeans occupied 1598.8 thousand ha, which is 223.1 thousand ha, or 12% less than the forecast - 1821.9 thousand ha.
Now the greatest influence on the growth and development of spring crops is provided by weather conditions. Currently, in Ukraine there is an increased air temperature in the region of + 30 + 37 ° C in all the main regions where cereals and oilseeds are grown.
The condition of most sunflower and soybean crops is assessed as good. Crops sown later now suffer from heat. So far, analysts are in no hurry to make forecasts about the current year's crop, speaking restrainedly in this regard.