The phrase "black watermelon" at first can be alarming and even repel, but the only thing that can scare when buying a berry is its high price. The rest of the black varieties of watermelon in their useful properties and taste are as good as traditional melons, and even boast an exclusive unusual color and very high sugar content. This article invites you to get acquainted with the description and characteristics of the fruit, its properties, as well as the best varieties and features of growing.
Description and specifications
Strangely enough, black watermelon owes its birth to rice. For the first time, an acute need for berry arose in 1980, when Japanese cereal ceased to bring its usual income and its level of yield fell sharply. At the same time, it was decided as an experiment to plant seeds of an unusual watermelon with black peel in rice fields to replace rice farming with a more profitable business.
Even the name of the original Densuke variety translated from Japanese sounds like "help rice fields." Japanese breeders stubbornly remain silent about the secrets of obtaining a fetus with an unusual skin color, so nothing is known about the origin of black watermelon.
The birthplace of the fruit is considered to be the Japanese village of Tom on the island of Hokkaido - to this day, exotic berries are grown exclusively there. The cost of one watermelon can reach about 260 dollars. However, this is far from the limit - usually the first matured specimen has the highest price due to its subsequent sale at auctions.The high cost of black watermelon is not difficult to explain: to cover the damage caused by the lack of a rice crop, the Japanese were forced to sell the fruits almost at an exorbitant price, but today it is a real brand that brings huge revenues.
The annual yield of black watermelon usually does not exceed 10,000 pieces. However, even in his homeland, he is considered more like a luxury than a delicacy, as his prices easily show. That is why black berry is often presented as a presentation.
The unique packaging also helps in this - first, the watermelon is entwined with a hemp net, after which it is placed in a corporate black box with a red logo.
The sugar content of Japanese black watermelon is very high - 8-10%, which is no less than that of any other variety with a normal green peel. The pulp of the fruit is a saturated bright red color, and its weight usually varies from 5 to 8 kg. Particularly large specimens reach 12 kg.
The fruits of the original variety can be of very different shapes, but the classic round has remained most popular.
In an attempt to surpass their own invention, Japanese breeders have bred a large number of varieties of black watermelon - with a complete absence of seeds in the pulp or not even its red color, but yellow, but these berries are not perceived as the original Densuke.
Did you know? The record for the cost of black Japanese watermelon was registered in 2008 — then at an auction a copy weighing 8 kg was sold for 6300 dollars. Later, in 2013, a record was also followed, only at the lowest cost of the fruit — the price for the black "handsome" was only 3200 dollars.
Today, an exotic fruit is in the lead among the most expensive berries in the world, and taking into account its features, black watermelon can be safely attributed not only to delicacies, but also to real luxury, accessible not to everyone.
Chemical composition
In composition, black watermelon is almost no different from the classic. Fructose, glucose and sucrose predominate in its pulp, which explains the high level of sugar content of the fetus. The amount of vitamins in the berry is not very large, but due to its low calorie content - only 25 kcal per 100 g - it can serve as an independent diet dish.
Energy value of black watermelon:
- proteins - 0.5 g;
- fats - 0.2 g;
- carbohydrates - 5.9 g;
- dietary fiber - 0.3 g;
- water - 93.7 g.
- PP - 0.1 g;
- A - 18 mcg;
- B1 (thiamine) - 0.05 mg;
- B2 (riboflavin) - 0.07 mg;
- B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.10 mg;
- B9 (folic acid) - 9 mcg;
- C - 8 mcg;
- E - 0.2 mg.
Micro and macro elements:
- iron - 2 mg;
- calcium — 15 mg;
- sodium - 17 mg;
- magnesium - 11 mg;
- potassium - 113 mg;
- phosphorus - 6 mg.
Properties of Black Watermelon
Like any product, black watermelon has a number of useful properties and contraindications, which you must familiarize yourself with before using it. Consider the benefits and possible harm of berries in more detail.
In addition to taste, watermelon also boasts an impressive list of healing properties. It is used mainly as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, and this is far from the entire spectrum of application of the berry. Low calorie content of the fetus is another reason to include it in the diet, even with diabetes, since the sugars contained in its pulp are easily absorbed by the body.
- The list of other useful properties of watermelon should also include:
- strengthening immunity;
- improving the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system;
- prevention of malignant tumors due to the high content of lycopene;
- normalization of metabolism;
- lowering cholesterol;
- the ability to remove toxins from the body;
- antioxidant effect;
- normalization of intestinal microflora;
- improvement of brain activity.
In addition to medicine, watermelon is no less actively used in cosmetology - the most popular product from it is a face mask. Its vitamin-rich composition has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, tones and makes it smoother and softer.
All kinds of decoctions are cooked from watermelon seeds and peels, which are then successfully taken for diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, and even for treatment of parasites.
Harm and contraindications
Unfortunately, with all the advantages and healing properties of a watermelon, there is a group of people for whom it can be not only harmful, but also dangerous. As such, the berry itself does not cause harm, however, combining it with other products has an extremely negative effect on the digestive system - even gas formation, so you need to be very careful and follow the rules for using the product.
- You should refrain from treating people suffering from:
- congenital diseases of the diuretic system;
- atherosclerosis;
- colitis and diarrhea;
- flatulence;
- kidney stones;
- intolerance to the product.
Important! Cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator no more than a day. If the berry lay this day at room temperature, then in order to avoid poisoning from its use, it is better to refuse.
Rating of the best varieties
Since Japanese black watermelon is highly likely to be a hybrid, collecting seeds for its further planting does not make sense even in the case of the purchase of a genuine Densuke. It is impossible to get the original black fruit from such seeds, so lovers of exotic dishes should pay attention to more affordable analogues, which are almost nothing inferior to a real Japanese watermelon.
They include both domestic and foreign varieties: Black Prince, Spark, Moon and Stars, Black Tyrant, Suga Baby, etc.
Consider these varieties in more detail:
- Black Prince. One of the most affordable analogues of the original black watermelon - its seeds can be easily purchased both in the markets and in online stores at a very reasonable price. In shape, the fruit is more like a melon - oval-elongated, with an average weight of 10 kg. It should be noted that the peel of this variety is not perfectly black - in the daylight, the dark green color of the watermelon is clearly visible. The surface of the fetus is smooth, the stripes on it are not much darker than the main background. The flesh is rich red in color, fleshy and very dense, and its sugar content usually does not exceed 9–10%. In addition, the variety is resistant to pests and diseases, quick adaptation, high productivity and good transportation. From 1 bush of the Black Prince, you can collect from 7 to 9 kg of fruit. Another distinctive feature of the variety is its long shelf life - the berries are able to maintain their marketable appearance for about 2 months without losing useful properties and sugar content. Watermelons reach the technical maturity in less than 105 days from the moment of the appearance of the first seedlings. The variety is intended for growing both in open ground and in the greenhouse. Those wishing to grow it on their site should stock up on space in advance - one of the features of the variety is a large number of long loops that require a lot of space.
- Twinkle. The peel of this variety is also not perfectly black - it is only a few shades darker than the previous variety. The second name is Ogonyok - “watermelon of the sun”, since the variety is intended for cultivation in conditions of an exclusively southern climate. The spark is unpretentious in leaving, has excellent taste, high productivity and resistance to various ailments. Berries are famous for their tiny sizes for watermelon - only 1.5–2.5 kg. However, this does not affect their taste qualities - the fruit pulp is not very dense, juicy and granular, and there is no less sugar in it than in other analogues of black watermelon. A variety of early ripening - the first crop can be obtained already 75-80 days after germination. The variety was not without flaws - a very thin peel becomes the cause of problem transportation.
- Moon and stars. Exotic appearance of this variety is inferior only to the original black watermelon. The variety got its name because of its unusual color: the dark green peel is covered with yellow spots of various sizes, resembling a night sky with the moon and stars. This variety is rightfully considered one of the most amazing, since it was created long before the appearance of the first hybrids - in 1926. The birthplace of the variety is considered to be the United States, Missouri. Fruits can reach huge sizes - their average weight varies between 25-30 kg. In terms of taste, however, the variety is no different from others - its flesh is of the usual red color, juicy and very sweet. Unusual coloring is characteristic not only for fruits, but also for leaves - they are also decorated with yellow spots, which makes plants look doubly exotic. Early ripening variety - berries ripen within 85–90 days. In addition to its appearance, the Moon and stars is famous for its good productivity, easy care and high resistance to disease. The versatility of the variety allows its cultivation both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.
- Black tyrant, or watermelon "dark front" - among all the above varieties, the peel of this variety is closest to black. The variety is very similar to the Black Prince in many respects - even they are born in the same region of Russia. However, unlike the fellow, its fruits are perfectly round in shape, with an average weight of about 11 kg. The pulp has an excellent taste, graininess, rich aroma and a light raspberry hue. The sugar content is at least 12%. Black tyrant fell in love with gardeners for its high productivity, resistance to temperature extremes, excellent transportability and long shelf life. The variety is also perfect for winter harvesting. The average late ripening period allows ripe fruits to be obtained after 100–110 days from the moment the first seedlings appear. The black tyrant feels equally comfortable both in the garden and in the greenhouse. It is suitable for cultivation mainly in the middle lane, however, it can withstand low temperatures and even short frosts, which other analogs cannot boast of.
- Suga baby - the variety owes its appearance to European biologists whose purpose was to create a variety that is invulnerable to cold and damp. That is why the "sugar baby" can be grown even in conditions completely unsuitable for watermelon - in the northern and western regions of the country. The fruits of the variety are classic round in shape, dark green in color with prominent dark stripes. Weight depends on many factors - climate, humidity, frequency of irrigation and top dressing, but their average weight generally does not exceed 4-7 kg. The name of the variety is fully justified - the scarlet-colored pulp is really very tasty, juicy and sugar. High yield is also included in the list of benefits - if agricultural cultivation techniques are observed, about 8-10 kg of berries can be removed from 1 m². The early ripening period of the Sugar Baby is only 85–90 days. To this we can add excellent transportability, long-term storage, excellent presentation and resistance to common diseases. The variety is perfectly adapted for growing both in open ground and in a greenhouse - it all depends on the region and climate.
How to choose a black watermelon
Original Densuke can be purchased only in specialized stores that guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product. To make sure of this, it is not necessary to conduct a personal inspection of the goods, just look at the price - if it is less than $ 100, then you have a fake.
Did you know? Today, there are more than 1300 varieties of watermelon, which are grown in 97 countries. For years, China has been considered the leader in sales and production of berries. — The annual yield of watermelon in it reaches about 63 million tons.
Another option is to go to Hokkaido, but this is also an expensive pleasure.
As for domestic and foreign analogues, there are certain criteria, based on which, you can not go wrong and choose a quality, ripe and safe fruit:
- Ripening time. It is not recommended to buy a watermelon earlier than mid-August - it is highly likely that the berry was pumped with nitrates so that it would ripen sooner. Many sellers like to justify the early appearance of fruits on the market with a “super-new variety”, however, it should be noted that even in hot southern countries, gourds ripen no earlier than the second half of summer. The same applies to Densuke - the original black handsome you will not see on sale until August. In order to protect yourself from poisoning by a poor-quality fruit, you should remember the optimal terms for its purchase: starting from the second half of August and all of September. At other times, refrain from acquiring a berry - most likely it will turn out to be undesirable health consequences for you.
- Place of purchase. It should be a certified outlet, but in no case a tent by the road or a spontaneous market. The fact is that it is common for a watermelon to absorb harmful substances from automobile exhausts that penetrate the flesh through the smallest cracks. Based on this, also pay attention to the storage conditions of the products: each berry should be located in a separate container and be well protected from the sun. Any damage to the surface of the fetus indicates a high probability of the presence of bacteria in it. However, if the sanitary conditions are satisfactory, also do not rush to purchase the goods, but ask the seller to provide relevant documentation on it. It should be indicated in detail about the content of nitrates and pesticides in the product. In case of refusal or lack of a certificate, it is better to refrain from buying at this place - most likely, the berry is unsafe for consumption.
- Appearance. You can also determine a quality watermelon visually - for this it is enough to pay attention to some details of its appearance. The first thing that should alert is the lack of a tail in the berry.The fact is that by the end of ripening the fruit ceases to be saturated with moisture and nutrients from the soil, and therefore the tail begins to turn yellow and dry out as unnecessary. For a ripe watermelon, the presence of a green fresh tail or its complete absence is unacceptable - most likely, sellers thus tried to hide a bad product. The sound of watermelon is another reliable criterion for determining a quality product. It is enough to lean the ear against the fetus and squeeze it slightly - a ripe berry will emit a characteristic crackle. The weight of the watermelon is also important: you should not attribute the excessive gigantism of the berry to a “feature of the variety”, because often this indicates an excess of growth stimulants inside the berry. The optimal weight for a watermelon is from 5 to 7 kg, and it is better to refuse to buy giants in excess of 10 kg.
Growing Features
Watermelon is a rather demanding and capricious berry, which not every gardener can grow.
Even the most unpretentious varieties have their own characteristics and nuances that must be taken into account to obtain tasty and sweet fruits. Although the analogues of black watermelon are famous for their simplicity in care and resistance to many factors, for good and high-quality development of varieties it is necessary to provide them with almost ideal conditions:
- Temperature and lighting. Since watermelon is a berry of southern origin, it does not tolerate shade and prolonged absence of sunlight. For planting crops in open ground, you should choose the sunniest part, preferably well protected from the wind, as drafts for watermelon can also be deadly. As for the temperature, it should be kept within +26 ... + 30 ° С. The temperature of the soil into which the seeds are planted also matters - at an indicator below + 13 ° C they will not germinate.
- Moisture. Despite the drought tolerance, watering watermelon requires plentiful - at least 150 liters of water per 1 m². The root system of the culture is well developed - its ability to absorb moisture, as well as numerous branches of the roots and processes allow the plant to spend it economically in dry times. The water demand of a watermelon directly depends on the growing season - during the ripening of the fruits, watering is stopped. However, waterlogging is no less dangerous, since it can lead to a slowdown in plant development, a delay in the formation of fruits and a decrease in their sugar content. Therefore, it is best to observe the golden mean - timely and evenly distribute moisture in the area, avoiding drying out of the soil.
- Top dressing. The need for nutrients in a watermelon is quite high: a lack of calcium can slow down the formation of female flowers, and, consequently, fruits. The frequency of this procedure also depends on the period of plant vegetation - most of all it needs top dressing during a period of intensive growth. Organic fertilizers are best suited for this purpose - cow dung or bird or rabbit droppings previously diluted with water. They are usually applied only 3 times per season, immediately after watering. Of complex mineral fertilizers, you can also use the Uniflor-Macro solution in the ratio of 3 teaspoons per 1 liter of water. Next, the solution is consumed at the rate of 1 liter of water per bush. After waiting for the berry to grow to the desired size, feeding is stopped.
- Harvesting. It is carried out as the fruit ripens. The ripeness of the berries can be easily checked by the dried stalk, the yellow spot at the place where the fruit touches the ground and cod when squeezed. If the fruits meet all the inspection criteria, they are picked manually, then loaded onto a vehicle and transported to a storage location. A ripe watermelon is stored for no more than a month, because after this period its pulp begins to soften and lose its sugar content.
Important! Choosing a place to plant watermelon on a site, do not forget about the rules of crop rotation: the worst predecessors for the berry are other representatives of melons, as well as solanaceous.
Fans of exotic sweets are simply unforgivable to deny themselves such pleasure - a tasty, juicy and incredibly sweet berry can conquer anyone.